No matter whether in the public or the private sector, no matter whether waterfall or agile methodologies are used: managing projects is important in all organizations nowadays. The following articles highlight some aspects.
The article Drei Gründe, warum Agile Projekte an der Unternehmensorganisation scheitern (in German) discusses challenges when establishing agile methodologies in companies.
The article How Scrum Changes Test Centers, together with Konrad Schlude, discusses especially quality and testing issues in SCRUM projects.
The article Know-How Transfer in Core-Banking System Implementation Projects: A Case Study (together with Marcel Heuberger) discusses on know-how management issues in standard software implementation projects, based on a case study done implementing the Avalon core banking system.
An often overlooked topic is standard software for a limited number of customers (solutions): When various software emerge and these versions are not managed adequately, there are no economies of scale for the software vendor. The article Information System Maintenance Costs: The „In-between“ Challenge describes these challenges. The video discusses this aspect as well.
Furthermore, I published articles on project management on my LinkedIn blog (in German):
The following LinkedIn blog articles focus more on IT organisations in general (in German):