Cloud Security Architecture – AI and MLOps – Testing
Klaus Haller's Homepage and Publications
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505 grams that change your life as an AI specialist!
Artificial Intelligence – MLOps – Information Management
Making CRISP-DM Work for Embedded Analytics
Quality Assurance and Machine Learning Models
What Google Trends teaches us about Jupyter Notebook
Tutorial: First Steps in Image Classification using Python, Jupyter Notebook and Gluon-CV on AWS SageMaker
11 YouTube Videos:
Data Migration
Article: A detailed process model for large scale data migration projects
Article: Data Migration Project Management and Standard Software – Experiences in Avaloq Implementation Projects
Article: Testing & Quality Assurance in Data Migration Projects
Article: Towards the Industrialization of Data Migration – Concepts and Patterns for Standard Software Implementation Projects
EA & IT Architecture
5 IT Operations Cost Traps and How to Avoid Them
Kafka Tutorial
Apache Kafka Tutorial, Part 1
Apache Kafka Tutorial, Part 2
Apache Kafka Tutorial, Part 3
Oracle Openworld 2020
Oracle Openworld Learning 1: Moving your applications to the cloud and moving to a cloud application is something completely different
Oracle Openworld Learning 2: How the Cloud impacts the Software Customization Business
Oracle Openworld Learning 3: The True Value of Chatbots
Oracle Openworld Learning 4: The Oracle Database, ML, and Bitcoin – plus how Computer and Emotions come together
My Experience with the IoT on Google Cloud course
Big Data Technologien – Meine Erfahrung mit dem Microsoft Professional Programm
Project Management
Test Center Management
Article: How Scrum Changes Test Centers
Article: Mobile Testing
Article: SCRUM – Untergang der Test Center?
Article: Software Quality Beyond Testing In-house Code
Article: Three New Technologies That Will Disrupt Your Test Organization
Efficient Testing versus Compliance
Information System Maintenance Costs
Test Data Management
Article: Datenmigration bei Standardsoftware-Einführungsprojekten
Article: Test Data Management – Investieren oder ignorieren?
Article: Test Data Management in Practice
Article: The Test Data Challenge for Database-Driven Applications (DBTest Workshop)
Article: The Test Data Challenge for Database-Driven Applications (testing experience)
Article: White-Box Testing for Database-driven Applications – A Requirements Analysis
Information Security, IT Risk & Compliance
Article: ISO 27001 for Developers and Testers
Article: When Data Is a Risk – DLP Tools and Their Role within IT Departments
How To Deal With Shadow-IT Applications
Why IT Security Departements (alone) Cannot Guarantee Secure Applications
Article: Data-Privacy Assessments for Application Landscapes – A Methodology
Article: Testdaten als Risikofaktor
Article: Data-Loss-Prevention-Tools minimieren Sicherheitslücken in Testumgebungen
Computer Security and System Management: Meine Erfahrung mit dem Coursera-Kurs der University of Colorado
Article: Ethik und DLP (in German)
About me …
Tag Archives:
API Management
A Quick Look at API Management with Apigee
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on LinkedIn.