Category Archives: Trends

Business Applications: On the Tension between Efficient Testing and Compliance

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Smooth business processes need a stable IT landscape. Thus, IT departments spend time and money on testing their business applications. But what could be a reason for a tension between efficient testing and compliance needs? Sensitive data are the reason! Testing business applications requires adequate data in the databases of test systems. …

Read here the full article of my Keynote at the 37th meeting of the special interest group testing, analysis, and verification” of the German Informatics Society.

Article in German: Ethische Überlegungen zum Einsatz von Data-Loss-Prevention-Tools in Unternehmen

Image courtesy of winnond at

Image courtesy of winnond at

Snowden, CDs von Schweizer Banken oder die fast vergessene Bonusmeilen-Affäre – manche MitarbeiterInnen ignorieren arbeitsvertragliche und strafrechtliche Normen. Mögliche Gründe sind Frust, Geltungssucht oder der Reiz des schnellen Geldes. Manchmal passiert „nur“ ein Fehler. Eine Mitarbeiterin verliert einen USB-Stick mit Forschungsergebnissen oder ein Mitarbeiter schickt eine Kundenliste an eine falsche E-Mail-Adresse. Ein solcher Datenabfluss ist in hochkompetitiven, wissensintensiven Sektoren wie der Pharma- oder Automobilbranche besonders kritisch. Änliches gilt für Branchen mit sensiblen Kundendaten. Beispiele sind das Gesundheitswesen, Banken und Versicherungen. Auch der Sicherheitssektor ist gefährdet. Wie schützen sich also Unternehmen vor einem Datenabfluss?

Hier zum vollständigen Artikel…

Mobile Testing

(C) Samsung Mobile Press

(C) Samsung Mobile Press

Mobile apps are everywhere. Some apps entertain and others enable business transactions. Apps increasingly interact with complex IT landscapes. For example, a banking app on a mobile device acts as a front end that invokes services on a back-end server of the bank, which might contact even more servers. Mobile testing becomes crucial and challenging. This paper follows a user-centric testing approach. The app’s architecture matters for testing, as does its user base and usage context. Addressing these factors ensures that test cases cover all relevant areas. Most apps need test automation for two reasons: agility and compatibly. To the complete article about testing mobile apps …

How Scrum Changes Test Centers

Do you like agility? Do you like being celebrated like a rock star? There was once such an opportunity. You and the authors of this paper missed it. Until recently, developers lusted after tales of agile and Scrum projects. This changed as agile became the new normal for development projects and talks about Scrum mainstream. In the testing community, in contrast, Scrum brought
uncertainty. Is agility the ultimate chance for developers to get rid of nasty testers? Or does agility only change job profiles? This article provides the answers.

Read the Konrad Schlude’s and my article how scrum changes test centers here…

This article appeared in the August 2013 issue of Agile Record.

Three New Technologies That Will Disrupt Your Test Organization

New technologies such as Cloud, SOA, and multi-tenant systems boost ASP and BSP sourcing models. This fundamentally changes the task portfolio and staffing needs of test organizations. CIOs prevent quality and cost problems by initiating the change process early.

Read the complete article about future trends in testing here…

This article appeared at the 2012 Software Testing, Analysis, and Review West Conference (STARWEST 2012), September 30 – October 5th, 2012, Anaheim, CA